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The September Motherhood Re-set

Louise Nevitt
Mother and Kids

As the summer holidays draw to a close, the whirlwind of joyful chaos that comes with having the kids at home for weeks on end also starts to settle down. While the memories created during summer adventures are priceless, many mothers find themselves reflecting on how the past few months have been both rewarding and hectic all at the same time.

The days spent visiting family, trawling round the parks & soft plays of the UK, running from place to place or watching movies at home have undoubtedly left me with some great memories.. But as a mother, I cant help but feel a natural sense of longing for stealing a few moments to myself & being able to feel that sense of connection with me again!

A mother & son in a field of flowers

The end of summer marks a transition point not just for the kids going back to school but for us mothers as well. It's a chance for a fresh start, an opportunity to reevaluate priorities, and a moment to put some ideas into action. It's time to shift our focus from solely being the one responsible for every last moment of the days entertainment & rediscovering ourselves, becoming clear-headed, and regaining our focus on whatever it is that makes you shine. A complete Motherhood re-set.

For many mums on the island, this may be the first time their little one has been away from home during the day. With the start of school being the year they turn 3, many women will be feeling extremely emotional as their little babies are off to "big school" . Back in the UK the children aren't expected to start at school until they are already 4 years old, so for children born late in the year that means here they actually start school when they are still 2 years old, which seems so small to be heading off to school. To any of the mums feeling nervy about this new transition, see it as an exciting step. A new stimulating environment for your child & a chance for you to start to find yourself again outside of being mummy.

With the upcoming change in routine, September gives us the perfect excuse to realign our goals, both big and small. Whether it's heading back to the office, finally starting that online course you've been eyeing, committing to that morning yoga routine, or simply dedicating a few moments each day to read a book in peace, it is amazing what a little space can do to clear your head and get you feeling like yourself again.

Let's embrace the energy of September as a time for personal growth and self-care. This month, let's make a pact with ourselves to prioritize our own wellbeing aswell as the needs of our little ones and partners. It's about finding that delicate time to allow us to be the best mothers we can be while also investing in our own passions and interests.

As the summer chapter closes, im looking back at all the gorgeous memories made with my beautiful children over the summer & I really looking forward to seeing what happens next with me as a woman, not just mum.

I am excited to say that I have started a course this month to study Matrescence, the transition of becoming a mother. Im going to be earning about what this fantastic word means, and how to support women going through it after having children. I will be studying post natal depression, sex & relationships after having children, getting back to work after children, mothers in the work place and alot more. I am so excited about this new adventure, and Im really looking forwad to sharing what I learn with all of you gorgeous mamas.

Cheers to all the amazing mothers out there embarking on this rejuvenating journey of self-love and self-discovery from September onwards!

Lots of Love,

Lou xx

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